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An interview with Bill Emmott, editor in chief of the Economist about the rifts between Europe and the US facing the Iraq-crisis, about the US as a world leader and the future of capitalism. | Part 1 |

The US are a very imperfect country and globalization is an imperfect process, thinks Bill Emmott, but still both beneficial. Even if people in Europe worry about the style, the aggressive manner of the USA, they need the superpower as an elder brother, guaranteeing safety, trust and stability. Just as we need capitalism. Capitalism is not the problem but the solution to the problems of the developing countries, says Emmott.


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Anja Dilk

Anja Dilk ist Berliner Korrespondentin, Autorin und Redakteurin bei changeX.

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Peter Felixberger

Peter Felixberger ist Publizist, Buchautor und Medienentwickler.

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